Can a strata corporation charge fees to use common property or assets?

Yes, but the user fee must be reasonable and must be set out in a bylaw or a rule that has been ratified at an Annual or Special General Meeting. 1




  1. Strata Property Act, SBC 1998, c.43, s.110 and Strata Property Regulation, B.C. Reg. 43/2000, s.6.9. For a rule to be ratified, it must be approved by majority vote of the owners at the first Annual or Special General Meeting after its passage in accordance with Strata Property Act, SBC 1998, c.43, s.125(6)
Oscar Miklos
Oscar Miklos is the founder and principal lawyer at Refresh Law in Burnaby and the founder of He regularly advises residential and commercial landlords and tenants, strata owners, strata corporations, property managers and insurance providers in all aspects of housing disputes.